Our Initiative

We have exciting projects in the works for our community, and your contributions are highly encouraged and welcomed in whatever way you can.

Recurring Blood Donation Campaign in Suceava
Period: Every 3 months, starting in June

Join our integrated and recurring blood donation campaign in Suceava! Be a consistent source of hope and save lives regularly. Every donation counts and can make a significant difference in our community. Let's make a real change together and bring light into the lives of those in need of blood transfusions. Come and be a hero!

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Recurring Blood Donation Campaign in Suceava

Period: Every 3 months, starting in June
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Hackathon for Community Solutions
Period: June - July

Participate in our hackathon and contribute to the development of innovative solutions for our community!
Together, we can create a better future. Our aim is to encourage blood donation, promote selective waste collection, stimulate the use of eco-friendly transportation, and encourage recycling and valorization of used vegetable oil and more. Let's unite our forces, implement creative ideas, and make a lasting impact in our community. Join us in building a greener and more prosperous future together!

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Hackathon for Community Solutions

Period: June - July
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Crowdfunding for Social Initiatives and Causes
Period: July – December

Give meaning to your generosity through crowdfunding! We believe in the power of a united community and our ability to make a difference in the lives of those in need. Through our crowdfunding platform, you can support important social initiatives and causes. Whether it's supporting a charitable project, a noble cause, or a family in need, every contribution matters. Let's lend a helping hand to create a better world and bring hope and smiles to those who need it!

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Crowdfunding for Social Initiatives and Causes

Period: July – December
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"Value From Failure" - Conference and Thematic Workshops
Period: 17-18 November

Discover the hidden power of failure in life with "Value From Failure"! We believe that every failure is an opportunity for growth and learning. Join us at our conference and thematic workshops, where you'll have the chance to learn from entrepreneurs and experts about how failures can be transformed into remarkable successes. We will explore various aspects of life and career, bringing forward inspirational experiences and valuable lessons. Open your horizons and discover that success often emerges from the darkest moments.

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"Value From Failure" - Conference and Thematic Workshops

Period: 17-18 November
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The House of Good Plants
Period: 2023-2024

It's a project dedicated to opening a laboratory for processing local medicinal plants, emphasizing the production of natural products while promoting community involvement and the valorization of unpolluted local flora. Through high-quality natural products and partnerships with local farmers, it aims to support health and economic development, fostering a sustainable and healthy lifestyle.

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The House of Good Plants

Period: 2023-2024
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Olders & Golders
Period: 2023-2024

Olders & Golders is a project focused on harnessing the experience and expertise of seniors through workshops, seminars and lectures to promote active aging and ongoing community engagement. By facilitating the exchange of knowledge between generations, the project empowers seniors to actively participate in the community, promoting a dynamic and inclusive environment. Through interactive activities and skill-sharing sessions, seniors have the opportunity to share their wisdom and talents with younger generations, while seminars and lectures offer diverse perspectives on different topics, encouraging intergenerational dialogue and understanding. Overall, the project aims to create a vibrant community where seniors are valued and engaged, enriching the lives of both older adults and younger members of the community.

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Olders & Golders

Period: 2023-2024
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